In a few hours it will be three months....who the F" cares.
I'd almost forgotten.
The past week seems like a dream.
I've changed to dayshift, with it, I've doubled my energy.
I spent the week working, touring to a hut trip and biking...
basically, tiring due to something other than work! Yeah!!
screech, scrape, crash and burn
Wow, really!
Life- I've been listening to you, really I have.
Life is precious and I know it.
Life is something to be honored.
Life- have you not been listening to me? really?
Work clock strikes 06:53
time to clock in and something is wrong.
Yesterday was fine, am I just tired?
nothing is going well at work, why?
screech, scrape, crash and burn
How do I say it? How do I express it?
WTF, really? I've been listening, really I have.
Life, what are you communicating?
I must not be listening.
One of my strong branches broke today!
News no one wishes to hear!
Life, how can you not honor her roots after such support given?
How can you build her up so much, with no concern of the fall.
Cancer, we are tired of you!
Go away and never come back!
Leave my roots and branches alone!
I am sad and heavy at heart. I can't believe that on the eve of three months which should be a celebration sadness settles in as a fog.
Trapped at work today when all I wanted was to fly!
Contribution felt by people, yet not those I wished!
Four today deal with a challenge in life and my heart goes out to them.
Life.....I know it is precious....what do you want me to get?
Today, I cross into three months of healing after a cancer diagnosis. Today I deal with others loss which is mine all the same. A close friend lost a child to be today and another heard news no one should hear, you have cancer. Really?
Hug someone! Cuz either you or they need it!
Not edited or rethought....please excuse.